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Messages - Mine

Electronic Design Files
SLS - Selective Laser Sintering / Software
July 12, 2024, 05:09:57 PM

Initial design will use LinuxCNC using PC's, Rpi's, Opi's, Bpi's or other suitable low cost controllers.
Mechanical Design Files
Schematics and PCB Files / PCB Files
May 27, 2015, 09:27:07 PM
PDF of PCB Files
Schematics and PCB Files / Schematics
May 27, 2015, 09:24:58 PM
PDF of Schematics
Electron Beam Induced Deposition (EBID)
Electron Microscopes / DIY STM
April 18, 2015, 07:28:47 PM
Home-Built STM

Scanning-Tunneling-Microscope Kit
Lithography / Nanometer Pattern Generation
April 18, 2015, 07:15:17 PM
Nanometer Pattern Generation
General Discussion / Last Day of April
April 12, 2015, 04:43:41 PM
Last Day of April

See your nearest theatre manager for details.
CPU Mainboard Modules / Re: Laptop vs Desktop APU
March 31, 2015, 01:46:31 PM
Carrizo is just around the corner so why use the older mobile APU?
CPU Mainboard Modules / Re: First CPU Module Specs
March 31, 2015, 01:44:16 PM
1. Is it suitable for a mobile use? (A88X is normally seen in desktop mainboards)

Some people want desktop performance and lots of IO in their laptop. This gives it to them.

2. Will Carizzo already have something built in? E.g. Kabini is already quite a SOC and has built in an A68M (or something very similar) on the APU.

Carrizo has it's own FCH. But it has limited IO and performance compared to desktop. If enough people want it we'll make a cpu module based on it.

3. How many blobs are needed? E.g.: Is the USB3 AMD's own or is it Renesas?

Check with coreboot. When given the choice between open and performance most people asked for performance.
If enough people want a totally blob free version we can use an old fam10 cpu and make a cpu module for them.

Could Renesas be persuaded to open a blob?

You can try. Blobs are sometimes used to obscure the hardware design if patents are involved. Most often it's more a psychological problem. Blobs give a little more power and control to those who have the source, this makes them feel slightly better about themselves.

I haven't heard about M.2 before

M.2 is the replacement for mini-PCIe sockets.
General Discussion / March 32nd
March 30, 2015, 03:46:24 AM
March 32nd